![adventure time](https://screensquinty.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/adventure-time.png?w=632&h=335)
So I decided, what the hay, might as well give it a shot, so on this page I will put up a sort of informal review and commentary as I watch episodes going along. Just be aware that updates are sporadic and there will likely be spoilers.
I will post updates to the log on twitter and facebook.
*Note: I will be using the episode order as listed in Wikipedia.
Episode 1: “Slumber Party Panic.”
So that was super weird, even weirder then much of the things I have seen, and I am including youtube in that comment.
I thought the story in and of its self was both slightly dark and amusing, I liked right off that they opened with a raising the dead scene, the barely veiled adult humour got a few chuckles, and Finn’s various efforts to keep the Candy Kingdom residents from knowing of the truth and exploding in fear (which by the way was also amusing), as well as the giant gumball beings, was all great.
The only issue I have is that it feels like there should have been an earlier episode or two. It could be that I am spoiled by establishing a beginning when it comes to a series, but it did feel like I was watching something further down the line.
The animation is also pretty creative, though the noodle limbs will take some getting used to.
Expression while watching it:
Episode 2: “Trouble in Lumpy Space.”
The animation was even bettah in this episode, the creative use of awkward tea party combined with giant marshmallows was creah-tive, and the gender neutrahl-ish voices upped the enjoyment of Lumpy Space Princess.
I have to admit, Lumpy Space Princess and The Lumpy Space world could totally be ah favorite for me from this show. Though ah suppose the exaggerated (though negative) vallah girl speak would get to me eventuallah if it was on to often, but then again, ah was around when Clueless and the television show spin-off were super popular, so like, ah suppose it couldah worked.
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![finn happy](https://screensquinty.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/finn-happy.png?w=227&h=160)
Episode 3: “Prisoners of Love.”
Further, I think the Ice King will be a favorite character of mine in this show. He has everything: Magic, a super great beard, the love of penguins, and a crotchety personality. All things I aspire to have in my life.
The best scenes and lines were definitely with him, I couldn’t help chuckling when he explained about why he kept kidnapping the princesses and the seriousness of marriage as well as the scene where he flies through space naked and gets called a sociopath by some giant golden owl.
The episodes seem to be getting better as they go along.
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Episode 4: “Tree Trunks.”
Well, *wipes tear from eye* so long great character who had the best hot buns, I barely knew thee, but it was worth it when I did.
*Takes hat off in a moment of silence*
Welp, *pops hat back on* that was a really fun episode, full of pretty fun little monsters, with Wall of Flesh monster, and the Sign monsters, being the best of them, and Tree Trunk’s attempted seduction of another monster perhaps the best confrontation.
Further, as a huge fan of Steven Universe, I did recognize a lot of the elements, in their proto stage anyway, that was utilized in that show later, thus I could see where Rebbecca Sugar got some of her inspiration when she worked on the show way back.
On a side note, its my understanding through Wikipedia that this was actually the 16th episode produced in the series, and that Tree Trunks will be in another episode a little further in called “Evicted,” and thus could perhaps be looked at as a prequel to before she bites the apple so to speak.
Expression while watching it:
Episode 5: “The Enchiridion!”
This had some truly great trials, I was particularly fond of the old woman killing gnomes. The show did a brilliant job of taking a classic heroes trial story archetype, and doing something creative and enjoyable with it.
The animation was pretty good, with a great rendering of the land beyond Keeper’s gate, the characters likable , unique, and creatively designed, and there was a really nice use of a split screen 4th wall transition in the opening that the film student in me rally appreciates.
This was a nice little nod to cartoon logic and Dungeons and Dragon’s-esque hero journeys.
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Episode 6: “The Jiggler.”
While not my favorite of what has been viewed so far, I will admit to finding the character design of Jiggler rather amusing, and the riotous colours when the mother and Jiggler freaked out was very eye pleasing, if a little gauging on the retinas.
A “don’t take animals out of the woods” moral done in a techno theme.
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Episode 7: “Ricardio the Heart Guy.”
Meanwhile, Ricardio the Heart was an…interesting design choice. i have to admit, that what kept me hooked for this episode was the various ways that this creepy little thumper was animated, particularly in his expressions, which yes, did make him look evil, especially combined with the voice talents of George Takei of all people, which was really awesome.
At first I thought Ricardio was a cinnamon heart, considering the locale, but I liked the twist for his true origins, and his eventual downfall was appropriately, and amusingly, ominous as well.
The only nitpick I would have is that the Finn being jealous story element was a bit…ordinary and cliche for the show so far, but most of the focus was on Ricardo’s face, which is what was important here.
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Episode 8: “Business Time.”
This was an interesting episode and certainly one of those hints at implications sort of thing, as we come across the closest thing to humans outside of Finn and those old lady illusions from ep 5. These once humans, a group of businessmen found in the ice. It made me think of the opening with the weapons of mass destruction remains strewn about, and the other items of the modern world (ours sort of) that they collected from the ice.
I am vaguely aware of some of the theories about the show, one of the things being that Finn’s world is actually something rather post-apocalyptic variety. which seems quite obvious after seeing this episode and remembering the images in the opening theme song.
Anywhoo, this episode had an amusing moral (I think) of don’t let strangers handle your shit, or it will all hit the fan man! or the are more likely “don’t be lazy.”
I will give props to the show for not smacking me upside the head with its moral of the story in the episodes I have seen so far (the ones that I think had them anyway), and make you think about it (if only to determine if there is one).
Expression while watching it:
Episode 9:”My Two Favorite People.”
This episode is decent in character interactions, and it was nice to see an episode centered more on Jake, as he is a very enigmatic character, even if the story was a bit more predictable.
Overall, not a bad episode, but not overly entertaining.
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Episode: 10 “Memories of Boom Boom Mountain.”
Is it me or is there some interesting undertones here?
Anyway, this episode was pretty good, as it shows A bit of aback story of Finn and why he always feels the need to save people, though the flashbacks never reveal how it is he ended up lieing in the middle of no where as a baby without any parents around (which is smart this early in) and seeing a dog couple exactly like Jake, makes me think that they are perhaps Jake’s parents and they were likely raised together.
The humour here was pretty good, I laughed when i saw Finn tying a bunch of ducks to one of those Roughhouser’s fists and how they began roughhousing with various animals tied to their extremities, that was great!
As for the message of the show, I liked how they took that “you can’t help everyone” message and had Finn help everyone out anyway, forcing him to really think creatively and outside the box (or in Finn’s case, really, really, out side the box) for a solution, which was smart in turning the one moral, into another of thinking creatively to solve a problem. Though I will admit it would be interesting to see an episode where he truly is unable to help someone and seeing him deal with that.
Really solid episode!
Oh, and those bug people were dicks.
Expression while watching it:
Episode: 11 “Wizard.”
I got to say, I totally approve of the moral of the episode by telling the kiddies that if its to good to be true it likely is, there is no such thing as free, stop gap solutions are not resolutions, quit while your ahead, and to always be fully informed before you agree on something….oh, and new ideas outside of traditional ones can sometimes work.
I loved the character designs for this one, the head wizard in particular was pretty creative, and the suspicious peddler in particular is a favorite character of mine from the episode.
The magical powers for this episode were pretty awesome, though I have to say the mayonnaise power was pretty kicker, and man could my chronic insomniac ass really appreciate that sleeping power.
The only question I have is whether they will still have any of their powers?
Hmmm…probably not.
Expression while watching it:
Episode: 12 “Evicted!.”
I think she appeals to that inner desire of having the will, ability ,and power to be able to wander the world and live however you want. At least that’s what attracts me to her character, perhaps because i have always had that secret desire to just go ahead and do it (though there was a motorcycle or a small RV involved in that dream of mine.)
Of the various places that that Finn and Jake tried to shack up, I would have to say that the giant sea shell was the best of the lot, that unexplained magic cat in the reptile costume with exploding treasure and food was pretty rad.
The ending by the way was the best of the lot, I enjoyed the final confrontation between the heroes and Marceline. That was a great battle, and I like how it ended with her not taking it to personally, almost a bit condescendingly.
The only thing I wonder is why they didn’t think to shack up in the Candy Kingdom? They love the Finn and Jake over there, and Princess Bubblegum seems super accommodating.
Expression while watching it:
Episode: 13 “City of Thieves.”
The city (In a giant dead turtle no less) was one of the best settings so far, with so much stealing that it was fascinating to behold, despite the fact that you can see Penny’s motivations pretty much from the onset. It was creative, original, and had the best caution sign/ crazy old hag ever. The stylistic choice of the city also made me think of it as a cross between Legend of Zelda and German Expressionism.
I also loved how this episode was basically all about Jake losing his “virginity” so to speak, or his “purity.” I also enjoyed that it was a little girl that took it from him. I like a little challenge to traditional archetypes, particularly the one that *ahem! affecting southern belle voice* children are pure and innocent souls that need to be protected from corrupting influences and simply can’t be anything else *rolls eyes, ends voice.*
The best character design for the episode has to go to Hag, I loved her ability to merge out of wood at odd moments, the voice work by Maria Bamford was appropriately crone-ish for the role. I wouldn’t mind seeing her in a later episode.
Expression while watching it:
Episode: 14 “The Witch’s Garden.”
The best line though had to be when the witch found a bagel growing in her garden, and her unreasoning hatred of cupcakes, and speaking of her Garden by the way, really great design, very colorful and imaginative.
The trash river, the setting of the trash river, and the contents of the trash do further add to the whole post-apocalyptic vibe.
Other then that, it was an okay adventure, it just didn’t really wow me, just giving me a “meh” feeling, though it was interesting to see a vague reference to how Jake got his powers.
It is worth noting that as I was watching this, I did recount that one of my roommates (both of whom who are really into the show) told me that the show vastly improves somewhere after the second season, so I am looking forward to better episodes and hopefully less “meh” ones.
Expression while watching it:
Episode: 16 “What is Life?”
The funniest part had to be when Finn was sneaking around Ice King’s lair, the way that Ice King Just misses Finn and the Ice King himself, as he is relaxing in his off time between princess kidnappings, did make me chuckle a time or two. I also enjoyed the balloon characters, particularly their final scene made me laugh.
From the angle of depressing, I have noticed that the further along the show goes, the more subtly complex Ice King becomes and I’ve come to realize that he really is a bit of a tragic figure. I look forward to seeing how deep into this character archetype it will go.
On a side note, I think that Ice King would have made a better father then Finn, and a garbage bag full of butter is indeed a hard prank to top.
Expression while watching it:
Episode: 17 “Ocean of Fear.”
The best part of this episode had to be Fear Feaster. great concept, great design looking like a cross between Smoke from Cartoon All Stars to the Rescue and a silent movie villain, all the while voiced by the great voice actor, Mark Hamil (it actually took me a second to realize why Fear Feaster sounded like Joker).
Jake’s literal sink or swim method to help get Finn over his fear was entertaining, though you can’t help but appreciate his care for Finn, given the type of personality he has combined with all the head walloping.
The Pat McHale quotes by the way, are actual quotes create by a man of the same name who is a storyboard artist, writer, and creative director on for the show. By the way, that was voiced by Clancey Brown who voiced Lex Luthor from Superman: The Animated Series, and to really twist the noggin, also Mr. Krabs in SpongeBob SquarePants. Huh.
Side note: wouldn’t it be interesting to know the back history of why he is afraid of the Ocean? I wonder if it is related to his origins?
Expression while watching it:
Episode 17: “When Wedding Bells Thaw.”
Oh man, the Ice king getting married! While in the end it doesn’t work out, at least not totally, it was great seeing this big of Ice Kingdom tradition, as well as seeing an episode in which the Ice King and Finn didn’t fight for the most part.
I also enjoyed the fact that he had doubts about getting married, while Finn and Jake talk him back into it, only to realize that it would have been better otherwise.
The Swan analogy for marriage was the best I have ever heard to describe it.
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Episode 18: “Dungeon.”
The creatures and construction of the dungeon were the best of the episode, with the best of the lot being Demon Cat who specializes in “approximate knowledge of many things,” also with this great voice that sounds vaguely Vincent Pricey done by, again, Clancey Brown and has the best character design and concept. Guardian Angel is another favorite, though more for the nod at traditional monster under the beauty archetype with good cooking practices.
When Princess Bubblegum comes on her laser shooting swan, that was pretty kick-ass, especially how pissed off she was when the boy ignored the numerous signs that she had them hammer into the ground not to go into the Dungeon in the first place.
Expression when watching it:
Episode 19: “The Duke.”
Kudos is in order for the messed up job the cartoonists did to princess Bubblegum, and also showed the scary crazy drama diva inside of her.
The red squirrel by the way was the highlight of the episode, even if not an important part. I love how his existence implies something that will never be resolved (at least I highly doubt it) yet is still nonetheless entertaining.
There was also so pretty good veiled adult humor in this episode, particularly during the moment with the Duchess (at least I think there was). This scene was also a nice little spoof nod to Gothic stories as well.
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Episode 20: “Freak City.”
No, seriously, I got the whole get up and don’t fall into despair jive, and the musical number that Finn used to literally kick people out into the world was actually not bad, and a nice little nod to continuity from “The Jiggler” episode.
I laughed a lot at the evil two headed monsters plight by the way, and his exclamation of “my Crotch! My evil Crotch!” As old as the crotch shot is getting nowadays, occasionally you come across one that you can’t help laughing at.
By the way, love the Magic Man. An unapologetic jerk who teaches the lesson that there are jerks in the world by making lives miserable until they come to the realization that he is a jerk, usually incited when someone does a good deed for him while discussed. He’s like lovable promotional poster boy for the whole looking the other way and/or losing faith in the decency of your fellow man, however you want to view it. I don’t know whether to be appalled, or amused by the creative balls of the character concept.
I look forward to this character’s later appearances.
Expression when watching it:
Episode 21: “Donny.”
There were some funny jokes from Bank and Jailhouse, and the Whywolves were freakin’ hilarious, but I have no idea what to take away from the episode except for a few funny moments, and the possible “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few Spock shtick.”
I did enjoy the little town that were actually people, even little dog houses, that was a creative concept, though when one of them went all naked, that was…interesting, kind of like seeing Sebastian from the little mermaid suddenly naked.
The ending was pretty good, this sort of tragic-funny moment when they turn Donny back into a Jerk for the sake of the village, a moment between Finn and Donny, and then Donny proclaiming, after they walk away that he loves being a Jerk…yeah, I don’t think he actually was being truthful about that.
Way to hide the hurt inside grass ogre dude.
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Episode 22: ” Henchman.”
Going into this episode, I could tell rather early in that she was messing with Finn with the whole Henchman thing from the start, which I think was the intention of the episode. This was more along the lines of an episode purely for the sake of having Marceline in it, again with the great personality, voice acting, concept, and stellar job on the animation designs for her.
The jokes were pretty good, particularly involving Jake as he tries constantly to battle his fear of vampires to save his bro, only to pretty much run off, some of them in pretty clever and funny retreats.
The way that Marceline messes with Finn was also pretty fun, and you’re just waiting to see how it all goes to shizer for Finn each sequence. I also laughed when one of the undead solders gooses Finn as he comes out of the grave, like it was the first thing necromantic induced magical instinct said he had to do when faced with the first pair of live buttocks.
It was also nice seeing the nut kingdom and the Duke again.
…What is up with that bone yard/giant monster/creature bones?
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Episode 23: ” Rainy Day Daydream.”
First off, the fact that Jake’s imagination goes out of control, sort of, and becomes an obstacle for Finn to face, keeping pretty much the majority of what his foes look like invisible, was a really clever idea, making the creatures only as strong, as variety, or as weak as Jake himself.
This concept also encourages the viewers to imagine along with the characters about what they may be seeing, which is better handled than any other children’s show I’ve seen do it without it coming out condescending.
The random knife storm was also a really cool idea, a nice threatening touch with darker implications, considering some of the beings that inhabit Ooo shown so far…unless you’re a village of kabobs, then alright then.
By the way, what is the deal with BMO? Is that videogame thing sentient or something?
Expression when watching it:
Episode 24: ” What Have You Done?.”
As always anything with the Ice King brings a smile to my face. There is almost this odd naïve innocence about him at times that is adorable, funny, yet tragic. At least in this episode it focused more on the funnier aspects of his personality with less of that awkward tragic figure archetype that he wears like a cape sometimes.
The animation was pretty good in this episode, with this particularly beautiful scene in which the ice King is standing on the Mountain and there is this nice perspective and landscape in the background that is just really eye catching.
Did anyone else find the crown interesting? That fact that it is the source of his power and sounds like a little girl was an interesting fact that would be interesting to explore later, especially as he claimed to have made the crown.
By the way, I laughed so hard at the end where Jake and Finn were goofing off by playing dramatic dead body holding as they hopped back to down, I was just imagining the townspeople’s faces at the sight, Hah! Great way to end an episode.
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Episode 25: “His Hero.”
The adult joke with the entrance to the old adventurer’s lair did make me giggle. Jeez the things that the writers get away with sometimes in this show (which I highly approve of).
The message here, I think, is that sometimes you have to take the opposite path to what your mentor or respected idols may approve of.
In the end, the episode was funny, a very random collection of escalating physical comedy, nothing much else to say.
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Episode 26: “Gut Grinder.”
Some of the various different types of villages were nice, and I mildly enjoyed Jake getting messed up in the head a bit, plus some funny lines here and there, but overall, this episode wasn’t my cup of tea.
So other than some creative character designs and a few funny jokes here and there, this episode didn’t really do anything for me.
Expression when watching it:
Screen Squinty's Reviews: https://screensquinty.wordpress.com/
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